Her name was Dixie, though she went by many others: Dissy (Dixie slurred, lol,) Demon Cat, Evil Kitty, Pissy, Smelly Cat, Princess Furball. She was born in early April 1997. I decided April 1 was appropriate. We found her up a small tree at a friend's house near Danville, Indiana, in May of that year, right before my birthday. I told John I was keeping her. There was no discussion. She was mine.

She was feisty right from the start. Some called her mean. I called her selective. She would let most people stroke her three or four times, then she'd bite them. I could get away with it for much longer. She liked getting her ears rubbed while lying on my chest, poking her head up underneath whatever I happened to be reading, purring and drooling. I had never seen a cat drool before. She was a weirdo. She and I went together like peas and carrots.

The dogs were scared of her, especially Lili, the Great Dane, even though Lili outweighed her by 120 pounds. A couple of smacks to the snout, and Dixie took control of the Animal Division of the Newton Family. She was a really cool kitty. She was my kitty.
When I took her to the vet yesterday for her shots, I was stunned to find out she was so sick. Her little lungs were riddled with cancer, her little heart failing, her breathing incredibly labored. Today I had to do the only humane thing I could for her. I had to end her suffering. After being her cat mom for over 11 years, it's extremely hard to let go. But it's all I could do.
So here's to my little Demon Cat, who I'm sure is up at Rainbow Bridge right now terrorizing her dalmatian brothers who went before her: Dugan (2004) and Barney (2006.) Give 'em hell, girl.
Awww, what a great kitty. She will be missed!!
I am so sorry for your loss, Shawn. I can totally feel your pain. You did do the most loving thing for her. She is now not in any pain and fiesty as ever, watching over you. ((hugs))
Dixie was beautiful! I love her just seeing her and hearing about her. I would have kept her, too. I'm glad you did. And I'm glad you let her go when it was time. Take time to be sad.
So sorry for your loss..((hugs))
I am so sorry hun.
You did the ONLY humane thing.
You did the ONLY loving thing.
I know it's hard though.
And what a lovely tribute to her.
:( (((HUGS)))
Im gunna miss her sooo much! Keep your head up shawnie! i love you!!
So, so sorry, Shawn. I know how hard it is to let your beloved kitty go. You'll miss her, but also remember how blessed you were to have her in you life.
What a beautiful tribute Shawn! Here is to Dixie! I'm so sorry she is gone. You made the kindest choice for her, you loved her enough to keep her from suffering too long even though you knew it would be hard to let her go.
HUGS to you from myself, Jim and the Bengals....
My heart breaks for you.She was a beautiful cat.... she was not "just a cat"......she was your cat. Dixie was a part of your family and will not be easily forgotten. She will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge. Take care Shawn.
So sorry to hear about your cat. She sounds like a character, all right. I'm sending peaceful kitty vibes to you.
They say to think of it as the last, final kindness you can give to your pet, to end the suffering.
I am so so sorry for your loss.
She looks like such a personality, I know it must be a terrible hole in your world to have had to let her go.
Oh Shawn...so sorry to hear about Dixie I smiled as tears trickled down my cheek as I read your tribute...anyone who says it's just a cat doesn't have a soul!
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