It's kind of a lame story (according to Wilson, tonight's closing manager at the Hellhole, who said I should change it to something more exciting.) As I was getting ready to go to work, I tripped over one of the several baby gates we have in the house to keep the animals contained to whatever rooms they're supposed to be in. I trip over these gates all the time; that's nothing new. However, I caught my pinkie toe just right on this one (I was wearing socks but no shoes.) It hurt so bad, I had to sit down, and then I took my sock off and saw that the toe was cocked way out to the side. THAT'S when I started to cry! I think I freaked out a little--I thought it was broken, and I had never broken a bone before, and I was thinking about that damn marathon coming up in two weeks, and the one after it in October. So my mom helped me tape it up, I called work and told Wilson I'd be a little late, I washed my face, put on a slipper, and went to work.
Just thought I'd share with all of you before I go ice it and then tape it back up ;) I don't think it's broken as I can still move it and bend it like normal. It just hurts like a bitch when I do it. So I'll give it a few days rest and see what happens. Hopefully Tupelo is still in the cards for me.
So that was my excitement for the day...
Owwwie! Sorry! Hope it gets better before the marathon :-)
Oh no! That looks like it really hurt. I accidently walked into the corner of my bed frame with my baby toe and it hurt. Didn't bruise like that so I can only imagine how much that must hurt.
As for running, a guy I know up here broke his and still ran a 3 hour training session on his so there's hope for you yet.
Good luck.
Yikes. That looks very painful. Hope it feels better in time for Tupelo. We can always hope....
So sorry about your toe. In Canada it's natural to wonder why you haven't been to the doctor yet, but maybe you can't because you would have to pay for your own x-rays? I don't know, I'm just surprised you haven't had it looked at yet.
Hopefully with RICE, you may yet make it to your runs. Get better soon.
Oh, dear. Yup, I saw right away that the bruise goes down your foot. Looks like my toe/foot did (next to pinkie toe)a couple years ago. My toe was cocked out to the side, too. I never got it x-rayed but that funny angle plus the half-foot bruising and inability to bear weight any closer than the heel had me pretty well convinced. I ran a 5K a month or so later, though. Keep it taped or in a snug sock or something similar to buddy it up to the adjacent toe, which splints it while it heals.
(Newly-edited for typos because I'm too dumb to preview before posting)
Eeek. Yes. Can I run on your Ex-lax team?
That's pretty much exactly what I did, only I did it on the heavy wooden leg of our glass-topped coffee table. Guess I'm lucky, though. I fell forward onto the couch, instead of landing with my face in the glass corner of the coffee table.
Thank goodness for small mercies.
The Cherry Pit maybe would have killed me today. I just hope this damn toe/foot thing doesn't blow out my 8k next week, my 10k the next.
You did yours 2 weeks out from a marathon?
That gives me hope.
I need to go find that marathon report...
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